Town Moor Marathon


Fundraising Campaign Description

End Date: Nov 29, 2011 10:00 PM

On the 30th October 2011 I will be running my first ever marathon, the Newcastle Town Moor Marathon.

I am competing this marathon to raise money for a very good cause. Scott Bell, was diagnosed in May 2011 with Motor Neurone Disease, a condition for which there is no cure or effective treatment. MND destroys the body’s motor neurone’s meaning that muscles can no longer contract, and so simply waste away. More often than not it affects the limbs first, then travels around the body until eventually the breathing muscles are affected.

It is important to know that Motor Neurone Disease follows a unique path and affects each individual differently, in terms of symptoms, rate of progression and survival time. MND can affect ANY adult at ANY time.

The money raised will be split and 50% will go to the MND Association to help find a cure whilst the other 50% will help Scott and his family buy alterations that they may need in their home and assist Scott in the future.

I greatly appreciate any donation you can make no matter how small!

100% Complete (success)

of £500.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

100% Complete (success)

of 0

fundraisers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

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