Global Brigades Germany

  • About Global Brigades Germany
    Global Brigades Germany ist der Dachverband aller universitären Global Brigades Gruppierungen in Deutschland. Global Brigades ist die weltgrößte, von Studierenden geführte Entwicklungsorganisation und folgt einem ganzheitlichen Ansatz mit sich ergänzenden Projekten in den Bereichen Wasserversorgung, Mikrofinanzen, Gesundheit und öffentliche Hygiene.

    Global Brigades versteht sich als Netzwerk bestehend aus einheimischen und internationalen MitarbeiterInnen sowie Studierendengruppen.
    Ziel unserer Arbeit ist es die Lebensqualität der Menschen in den ländlichen Gebieten der Projektländer Honduras, Panama und Ghana langfristig zu verbessern. Dies geschieht durch respektvolle, auf Zusammenarbeit beruhenden und langfristige Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe.

    Die offizielle Global Brigades Webseite findest Du unter:

    Informiere Dich über aktuelle Geschehnisse aus Honduras, Panama und Ghana auf:


Business Brigades at University of Bayreuth

Global Brigades ist die weltgrößte, von Studierenden geführte Entwicklungsorganisation und folgt einem ganzheitlichen Ansatz mit sich ergänzenden Projekten in den Bereichen Wasserversorgung, Mikrofinanzen, Gesundheit und öffentliche Hygiene. Viele Menschen in Panama sind gewillt, Risikobereitschaft zu zeigen und Geld in ihr Unternehmen zu investieren. Aufgrund von fehlendem ökonomischen Wissen und finanziellem Know-How wissen sie jedoch nicht, wie sie ihre Ideen effizient umsetzen können. Auf der Business Brigade unterstützen die Studierenden die Menschen darin, ihr Unternehmen erfolgreich umzugestalten und dadurch ihren persönlichen Lebensstandard, aber auch das Wohl der ganzen Community nachhaltig zu verbessern. Eine Gruppe von 7 Studenten der Uni Bayreuth fliegt für 10 Tage in ein Dorf in Panama um den Bewohner beim Aufbau des eigenen, kleinen Unternehmens zu helfen. Die Dorfbewohner erhalten Fortbildungen und werden nachhaltig unterstützt. Wenn du interesse an mehr Informationen hast, dann gehe auf unsere Website: oder erfahre mehr über speziell dieses Projekt unter:

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Germany Global Leadership Institutes

Germany Global Leadership Institutes is a chapter of Global Brigades, an international movement of students working alongside local communities and staff to implement sustainable health and economic systems. We work in remote, rural, and under resourced communities in Honduras, Panama, Nicaragua and Ghana. To learn more, please visit

1 Members of this chapter

Microfinance Brigades at Bayreuth University

Bayreuth University is a chapter of Global Business Brigades, an international movement of university students and professionals building economic opportunities in the developing world. We work alongside promising entrepreneurs and experienced year-round staff to create financial opportunities in remote, rural, and under resourced areas of Honduras and Ghana. We work with communities to build community-owned banks to provide access to loans, savings accounts and financial literacy for community members. Volunteers assist in consulting micro-enterprises, assessing loan capacity payments and providing financial literacy workshops to families. nnIn conjunction with our Business Program, Global Brigades also supports communities with healthcare, sanitation and clean water projects, and uniquely implements these programs in a holistic model to meet a community’s health and economic goals. Our model systematically builds community ownership and collaboratively executes programs with the end goal of sustainably evolving to a relationship of impact monitoring. To learn more, please visit

6 Members of this chapter

Public Health brigades at Munich

Global Brigades Germany ist der Dachverband aller universitären Global Brigades Gruppierungen in Deutschland. Global Brigades ist die weltgrößte, von Studierenden geführte Entwicklungsorganisation und folgt einem ganzheitlichen Ansatz mit sich ergänzenden Projekten in den Bereichen Wasserversorgung, Mikrofinanzen, Gesundheit und öffentliche Hygiene. Global Brigades versteht sich als Netzwerk bestehend aus einheimischen und internationalen MitarbeiterInnen sowie Studierendengruppen. Ziel unserer Arbeit ist es die Lebensqualität der Menschen in den ländlichen Gebieten der Projektländer Honduras, Panama und Ghana langfristig zu verbessern. Dies geschieht durch respektvolle, auf Zusammenarbeit beruhenden und langfristige Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe. Die offizielle Global Brigades Webseite findest Du unter: Informiere Dich über aktuelle Geschehnisse aus Honduras, Panama und Ghana auf:

1 Members of this chapter

Public Health Brigades at SDI Munich

Munich University of Applied Languages (Bildungsnetzwerk SDI München) is a chapter of Global Public Health Brigades, an international movement of university students working to improve health conditions in the developing world. Through an evidence-based model, we work alongside local community members to build projects that tangibly improve lives in Honduras, Nicaragua and Ghana. Volunteers work with local masons and families to build eco-stoves, latrines, concrete floors, showers, and/or water storage units. To ensure long-term sustainability and maintenance, the Public Health program team trains and empowers local community leaders in the formation of a Basic Sanitation Committee. The Basic Sanitation Committee is responsible for carrying out in-home assessments and monitoring the status of the projects. In conjunction with our Public Health Program, Global Brigades also supports communities with healthcare, economic development and clean water projects, and uniquely implements these programs in a holistic model to meet a community’s health and economic goals. Our model systematically builds community ownership and collaboratively executes programs with the end goal of sustainably evolving to a relationship of impact monitoring. To learn more, please visit

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Public Health Brigades at the University of Bayreuth

University of Bayreuth is a chapter of Global Public Health Brigades, an international movement of university students working to improve health conditions in the developing world. Through an evidence-based model, we work alongside local community members to build projects that tangibly improve lives in Honduras, Nicaragua and Ghana. Volunteers work with local masons and families to build eco-stoves, latrines, concrete floors, showers, and/or water storage units. To ensure long-term sustainability and maintenance, the Public Health program team trains and empowers local community leaders in the formation of a Basic Sanitation Committee. The Basic Sanitation Committee is responsible for carrying out in-home assessments and monitoring the status of the projects. In conjunction with our Public Health Program, Global Brigades also supports communities with healthcare, economic development and clean water projects, and uniquely implements these programs in a holistic model to meet a community’s health and economic goals. Our model systematically builds community ownership and collaboratively executes programs with the end goal of sustainably evolving to a relationship of impact monitoring. To learn more, please visit

4 Members of this chapter

Public Health Brigades at University of Münster

University of Münster is a chapter of Global Public Health Brigades, an international movement of university students working to improve health conditions in the developing world. Through an evidence-based model, we work alongside local community members to build projects that tangibly improve lives in Honduras, Nicaragua and Ghana. Volunteers work with local masons and families to build eco-stoves, latrines, concrete floors, showers, and/or water storage units. To ensure long-term sustainability and maintenance, the Public Health program team trains and empowers local community leaders in the formation of a Basic Sanitation Committee. The Basic Sanitation Committee is responsible for carrying out in-home assessments and monitoring the status of the projects. nnIn conjunction with our Public Health Program, Global Brigades also supports communities with healthcare, economic development and clean water projects, and uniquely implements these programs in a holistic model to meet a community’s health and economic goals. Our model systematically builds community ownership and collaboratively executes programs with the end goal of sustainably evolving to a relationship of impact monitoring. To learn more, please visit

8 Members of this chapter

Public Health Chapter at RWTH Aachen University

RWTH Aachen University is a chapter of Global Public Health Brigades, an international movement of university students working to improve health conditions in the developing world. Through an evidence-based model, we work alongside local community members to build projects that tangibly improve lives in Honduras, Nicaragua and Ghana. Volunteers work with local masons and families to build eco-stoves, latrines, concrete floors, showers, and/or water storage units. To ensure long-term sustainability and maintenance, the Public Health program team trains and empowers local community leaders in the formation of a Basic Sanitation Committee. The Basic Sanitation Committee is responsible for carrying out in-home assessments and monitoring the status of the projects. nnIn conjunction with our Public Health Program, Global Brigades also supports communities with healthcare, economic development and clean water projects, and uniquely implements these programs in a holistic model to meet a community’s health and economic goals. Our model systematically builds community ownership and collaboratively executes programs with the end goal of sustainably evolving to a relationship of impact monitoring. To learn more, please visit

3 Members of this chapter

University of Münster

University of Münster is a chapter of Global Water Brigades, an international movement of university students working alongside local communities and technicians to implement clean water systems in the developing world. Water systems are designed, planned, and budgeted with partner communities and local leaders are identified by the community to serve as the community’s Water Council, which collects monthly water fees from households to operate and maintain the constructed water system. It then takes several months of construction by volunteers, staff and community members to complete and can include several large scale components, such as dams and storage tanks in order to pipe clean water to individual homes. nnIn conjunction with our Water Program, Global Brigades also supports communities with healthcare, economic development and sanitation projects, and uniquely implements these programs in a holistic model to meet a community’s health and economic goals. Our model systematically builds community ownership and collaboratively executes programs with the end goal of sustainably evolving to a relationship of impact monitoring. To learn more, please visit

17 Members of this chapter

Water Brigades at Bayreuth University

Bayreuth University is a chapter of Global Water Brigades, an international movement of university students working alongside local communities and technicians to implement clean water systems in the developing world. Water systems are designed, planned, and budgeted with partner communities and local leaders are identified by the community to serve as the community’s Water Council, which collects monthly water fees from households to operate and maintain the constructed water system. It then takes several months of construction by volunteers, staff and community members to complete and can include several large scale components, such as dams and storage tanks in order to pipe clean water to individual homes. nnIn conjunction with our Water Program, Global Brigades also supports communities with healthcare, economic development and sanitation projects, and uniquely implements these programs in a holistic model to meet a community’s health and economic goals. Our model systematically builds community ownership and collaboratively executes programs with the end goal of sustainably evolving to a relationship of impact monitoring. To learn more, please visit

28 Members of this chapter

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