Marissa Caraballo

Louisville, KY

Passionate About:

Peace, fairness, eco friendly, stop bullying, feed the children, mentoring and volunteer work.







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End Date: May 01, 2014 09:00 PM
Volunteer Activity Message

In partnership with the Mayor’s Office and LMPD, MAN UP is looking for 40 more caring adults to volunteer to serve as a “Derby City Ambassador” for the Pegasus Parade on Thursday, May 1st from 5-9 pm

We also have slots open for Derby weekend (Fri, Sat and Sunday) (May 2-4) all from 5-9 pm each night.

As a “Derby City Ambassador” you agree to:
• Volunteer at The Derby Parade or on Derby Weekend
• Pay attention to youth, correct them when they cross the line and help to defuse conflicts (serve as frontline intervention)
• Work with LMPD and others to report criminal activity (see something say something)
• Serve as a goodwill ambassador for our city
• Have fun and enjoy the parade
If you are interested in this opportunity
please contact

Sgt. Renea Briggs at LMPD

or you can call MAN UP/Service For Peace at 502-290-3611

Volunteer Goals

Program Goal: $0.00 / Airfare Goal: $0.00
100% Complete (success)

of $0.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

45% Complete (success)

of 40

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal