Global Brigades United Kingdom

  • About Global Brigades United Kingdom
    Headquarters for Global Brigades in the United Kingdom.

    Global Brigades UK was founded in 2009. GB UK volunteers have participated in a variety of Global Brigades programs in Honduras, Panama, and Ghana. However, with the recent expansion of GB to Ghana, UK volunteers have began to focus more of their brigades to Ghana, focusing on the the Medical, Microfinance, and Water Brigades programs.

    In 2010, GB UK grew from 35 brigaders to 80 brigaders, then in 2011 grew to 242 brigaders and in 2012 442 brigaders travelled around the world to take part in brigades. GB UK hopes to double the number of brigaders in 2013. Below are the current universities with Global Brigades chapters.

Members (1972)

Christie Catlin

Joined February 17, 2022

mengjie chen

Joined January 19, 2013

Aled Griffiths

Joined November 16, 2012

Anastasiya Bykova

Joined November 22, 2010

maryiam yasin

Joined April 06, 2012

Annie Kim

Joined December 06, 2012

Lucia Albelda Gimeno

Joined January 24, 2017

Harmeet Punni

Joined December 01, 2010

Taylor Jousma

Joined January 16, 2018

David Derichs

Joined November 20, 2010
Showing 51 to 60 of 1972 entries