• About Earthwatch Institute
    Earthwatch is an international environmental charity.

    With more than 50 scientific research expeditions all over the world, we unlock potential in people and the environment. Earthwatch engages people worldwide in scientific field research and education to promote the understanding and action necessary for a sustainable environment.

    Our vision is a world in which we live within our means and in balance with nature.


Costa Rican Sea Turtles

The leatherback sea turtle population in the Pacific, once the stronghold of the species, has declined by over 90% since 1980. Many of the remaining Pacific leatherbacks nest in the sands of Playa Grande, Playa Ventanas, and Playa Langosta on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Female leatherbacks dig holes with their flippers and lay about 80 round eggs, a process they’ll repeat up to 12 times during the breeding season. In about two months, the fragile hatchlings will emerge. The world is a dangerous place for these tiny turtles and their parents. They’re threatened by climate change, boat traffic, fishing gear, and humans harvesting their eggs. To truly understand why this ancient species has declined so rapidly and what we can do to stop this decline, researchers need to know everything about them: their behavior, physiology, genetics, population biology, and migration patterns. Help us protect these amazing creatures and lend a hand in building a better safer future for them.

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General Donations and Earthwatch Events

Your support means the Earth. You can help us in our cause by donating to us or by coming to our events and meeting with like minded people. Earthwatch events offer the opportunity to learn from top scientists about environmental issues that matter to the future of the planet, and how you can play a role in tackling them. Your donation of any amount will go toward providing the tools and resources Earthwatch scientists and volunteers need to conduct important conservation research and outreach in critically threatened ecosystems around the world.

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On the Trail of Giant Pandas in China

This expedition invites volunteers to become active participants in panda care, observation, and long-term conservation. The bamboo-chewing giant panda is one of the most iconic endangered animals in the world. In the Sichuan Province of China, you’ll work up close with pandas that are being cared for in captivity so that they may breed and live longer and healthier lives.

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