Brittany Latta

Chicago, Illinois

Passionate About:

I dance because I truly enjoy the constant challenge, persistence, and desire to connect with others through movement. Dance is the one consistent thing that has always remained in my life, endlessly shaping me into who I am and who I will become. I dance because it creates cultural awareness, acceptance, ambition, and continuous NEW ways of pushing boundaries I never thought were possible. I am so extremely thankful for what dance has done to impact me as a person, as it has been the main contribution to my willingness to accept challenges, make accomplishments, and transforming me into a well-rounded individual. My hope is to bring the same positive impacts in which dance has had on me to others around the world. Because dance creates challenges, accomplishments, and confidence in ways nothing else can, I'm excited to teach it to kids who need it most, and transform their lives through the beauty of artistic development.







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Open Exchange to Brazil (July 14-23, 2017)