Nicaragua, December 2014


Volunteer Activity Description

Start Date: Sep 3, 2014 12:00 AM
End Date: Oct 27, 2014 12:00 AM

Global Medical Training at the University of Tennessee is so excited to be a new student organization on campus! Read more about our chapter below, our mission, our trip, and donate if you feel inclined!

This December, the UTK chapter of GMT is headed to Nicaragua for a week long medical mission trip.

Global Medical Training is a non-profit humanitarian organization that provides free medical-dental services to underprivileged villages in Central America

GMT\\\'s Objectives:

- To provide, as a team, free Medical and Dental healthcare services, and free medicines to the needy in Latin America

- To teach students basic clinical skills, basic Medical / Dental knowledge, and the art of medicine, in preparation for and during implementation of the clinics

- To provide students with a first-hand experience of cultural, social, historical, and political life in these regions. We will discuss and integrate this into the medical process with our patients. Many issues will be discussed, e.g. the relationship of poverty, education, and Public Health to illness and well-being.

Check our Facebook page out to keep up with latest news on our chapter:

88% Complete (success)

of $46,000.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

93% Complete (success)

of 45

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

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Addie Grace Jones

Passionate about: Improving the quality of life of others and Global Medical Training

Alexis Prillhart

Passionate about: Improving the quality of life of others and Global Medical Training

Alexis Prillhart

Passionate about: Global Medical Training

Amber Tran

Passionate about: Learning about myself and others, striving to help others, increasing my knowledge, & doing anything outside my comfort zone/

Blake Linehan

Passionate about: helping people and learning about medicine
Sara y stokes donated $100 3754 days ago
Anonymous donated $25 3759 days ago
Anonymous donated $25 3759 days ago
Anonymous donated $25 3759 days ago
Anonymous donated $25 3759 days ago

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