Nadia Aurora

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Highlighted Initiative

JHU Medical/Dental Brigade May 2014 Honduras

Nadia's Message

This is one of the last opportunities I have to travel under the name of Johns Hopkins University with Global Brigades. Next year I am moving on to medical school, and my path there was largely shaped by my experiences with Global Medical Brigades. I have been involved with this organization since the fall of 2010, and hope to maintain ties with Global Brigades for the duration of my medical career. Please help me by donating to my cause so I in turn can support the hundreds patients I will assist during my week abroad.

Volunteer Activity Description

Medical Brigade volunteers have the opportunity to shadow licensed doctors in medical consultations and assist in a pharmacy under the direction of licensed pharmacists through a one week Medical Brigade in Honduras, Panama, or Ghana. Student volunteers can either join an existing Medical Brigades chapter on their campus or create their own chapter and recruit other volunteers. Each of our partner community receives a brigade every 3 to 4 months where hundreds of patients are treated and volunteers deliver public health workshops. Between brigades our in-country team maintains relationships with the communities to provide follow-up and to conduct Community Health Worker (CHW) trainings to empower local leaders to sustain a consistent level of healthcare.

100% Complete (success)

of $1,536.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

72% Complete (success)

of 25

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
ajay aurora donated $100.0000 to Nadia 3683 days ago
SHANTICHANDRA B SHAH donated $350.0000 to Nadia 3716 days ago
Ravi Shah donated $201.0000 to Nadia 3721 days ago
Sanjay Aurora donated $501.0000 to Nadia 3721 days ago
Anil Arora donated $250.0000 to Nadia 3726 days ago
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